The The TCD Sense Map's Role in Fostering Sensory Inclusivity at Trinity College Dublin



  • Declan Treanor TCD
  • Faolan Doecke Launders TCD
  • Kieran Lewis TCD



Trinity College Dublin's commitment to inclusivity has taken a significant leap forward with the development of the TCD Sense Map. This innovative tool was designed to empower Trinity students and staff to better navigate college environments, by providing detailed information on the sensory characteristics, physical access, and use of spaces. It further provides a platform for students and staff to share knowledge about various spaces. This article delves into the project's background, objectives, and the collaborative efforts that made it possible, highlighting its impact on creating a more inclusive educational environment. This development is part of the overall TCD Sense project at Trinity College Dublin, which focuses on sensory inclusivity for neurodivergent students as well as the whole university community. The project aims to enhance sensory experiences across the campus, incorporating neurodivergent perspectives in planning and execution. It involves a collaborative effort across various university departments, emphasising the importance of user feedback and continuous updates. The initiative is part of a broader commitment to inclusivity and accessibility in higher education, illustrating Trinity College's dedication to supporting.


