Using Data from the National Survey of Student Engagement to Gauge Students' Adoption of a Deep Approach to Learning as a Basis for Curriculum Development


  • Sylvia Huntley-Moore School of Nurisng and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin
  • Cora O'Connor Nursing Practice Development Unit, St James's Hospital Dublin



nurse education, curriculum, approaches to learning, National Survey of Student Engagement, Irish National Survey


The recent review of the undergraduate nurse education in Ireland called for new standards in curriculum design and further research into the effect of curriculum on student learning. The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is recognised and used internationally as a rich source of information on the undergraduate educational experience including students’ approaches to learning. Higher education research literature suggests that curriculum may influence students’ approach to learning and ultimately the quality of their educational achievement.  In order to make improvements, those with responsibility for curriculum design and development need to be able to ascertain the extent to which their curricula encourages students to take a deep approach to learning.                                                          

This project uses data from the NSSE to investigate the extent to which undergraduate nursing students in one Irish university adopt a deep approach to learning. The results are illuminating as they provide the first published evidence of nursing students’ approach to learning under the new Irish system of university-based pre-registration education. The results will also stimulate further curriculum development of our own undergraduate nursing programme. We encourage readers working in Irish higher education to consider using data from the Irish National Survey of Student Engagement to inform their curriculum development while international readers are encouraged to make enquiries about local versions of the NSSE.

Author Biographies

Sylvia Huntley-Moore, School of Nurisng and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin

Associate Professor, Director of Staff Educaiton and Development, School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD

Cora O'Connor, Nursing Practice Development Unit, St James's Hospital Dublin

Ms O'Connor is a nurse tutor in the Schoolof Education, St James's Hospital, Dublin.






Research Articles